22 August 2011

How we beat the bookies [Chart].


I hope now you see the potential of sports investing and that sooner or later these positive days are coming and bringing more profits.

Here is an interesting chart I wanted to show you. I called it "How we beat the bookies" chart. This is a backtest of X code flat picks from May to August 2011. Red line are bets based on X code recommendation. Blue line are bets on same games based on bookie favorite recommendation.

Of course real results were different because we did not even have X code ready back in May as it started late June and we were tweaking the system along the way. However it gives you clear impression that as long as you have a system - winning is a matter of time.

Stick to the plan and win. Bet mindlessly on bookie favorites - and lose. that's it.

If you are missing out the boat - you can contact support at vip@100percentwinners.com to find out if there are still spots available for VIP club and how to join!